
How to Mow Like the Pros

By Ken Machock

Follow these top mowing tips from Best Greening to keep your lawn healthy, happy, and vibrant all season long!

The “How”

Mow Tall

Grass height is critical to lawn health and one of the most crucial components to keeping your lawn healthy. You want to keep your grass between 3-3.5” at all times — cutting grass 3” short or under (“mowing short”) can stress your lawn, causing it to turn brown or go dormant.

Trim, Don’t Shear

Never cut off more than ⅓ of the grass blade. Cutting more than that will damage the grass by quickly exposing it (like a sunburn).

Keep it Clean

Remove your grass clippings after mowing. Leaving them on your lawn can heat up the grass, causing it to burn underneath.

Tall Grass Benefits

Setting your mower height to 3.5” will help your lawn grow stronger and healthier. Taller grass can grow blades and roots simultaneously, and deep roots can access water stored deeper in the soil for more drought resistance. Plus, longer grass blades shade the soil, which blocks weed seeds from getting the sunlight they need to germinate.

The “When”

Mow in the Evenings

You want to mow when temperatures are cooler. Don’t mow in the afternoon when the hot sun can damage the tender plant tissue of freshly-cut grass.

Stick to a Schedule

Mow at regular intervals, even during the summer when grass doesn’t grow as fast. This helps to prevent chopping off too much at one time. Delaying your mowing schedule, even by a week, can cause stress when the grass is eventually mowed.

The “Why”

Following our best mowing practices will help you achieve that dad-approved, party-ready, envy-of-the-neighborhood lawn you’ve been dreaming of!

Why it Works

Our Best Greening service is customized not only to Northeast Ohio, but also to your specific lawn. How can it work for you? Find out!

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Best Greening Services

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